BA in Criminal Justice Business Administration
Began her law enforcement career in 1997
Various positions held such as Training Officer, Jail Supervision and Disciplinary Review Board Sergeant, Deputy Sergeant, Misdemeanor Investigator, Felony Investigator, Deputy Chief Investigator, Victim’s Assistance Supervisor, and Chief Investigator
Certificates of many obtained include: Master Peace Officer, Professional Criminal Investigator, Hostage Negotiator, NCIC/TCIC Instructor, and Defensive Tactics Instructor
Successfully investigated multiple cases to include Misdemeanor, Felony, Asset Forfeiture, Domestic Violence, Protective Order Hearings, Family Justice, Juvenile, and Cold cases
Conducted numerous background investigations
USMC and Army National Guard Veteran
Over 23 years of law enforcement experience
Various positions held including Patrol Officer, SWAT Entry Team Member and Sniper, Field Training Officer (FTO), Detective, Warrant Officer, High Threat Personal Security Specialist
Certificates obtained include, but are not limited to: Master Peace Officer, Advanced SWAT, Advanced Hostage Rescue, Undercover Operations, Rolling Surveillance, HUMINT Operations, Advanced Interview and Interrogation, Background Investigations, S.P.E.A.R. Systems Instructor
Successfully investigated numerous cases including Misdemeanor, Felony, Family Violence, Asset Forfeiture, Narcotics Investigations, Fentanyl Death Investigations, and Organized Criminal Activity
United States Navy Veteran (Gulf War)
Over 29 years of Law Enforcement experience
Various positions held to include Patrol Officer, FTO, Detective, Tactical Team Entry Member, Active Shooter Team Member, Warrant Officer, Surveillance, Misdemeanor Investigator, Felony Investigator, and Retired Deputy Chief Investigator
Master Peace Officer, Professional Criminal Investigator, and Fingerprint Expert
Successfully investigated all Misdemeanor and Felony offenses including Capital Murder and Cold Case Homicides
Conducted numerous background investigations